August 2017 I set out on an open-ended bicycle tour circumnavigating the US. This video blog highlights the twenty-eight and final leg of my journey from San Diego to Pasadena, CA.
This final victory lap took me up the coast in beautiful fashion. I rode up and down hills with the ocean always in sight. I enjoyed the incredible waves, sun, and palm trees. The riding felt incredibly relaxed as I soaked it all in. The emotions coursed through me as I neared the end of my tour. The route opened up beyond San Diego as civilization dropped off and beach dominated. The open cliffs and scenery were like nothing I’ve ever seen. Outside of LA, the route rejoined civilization as I rode on beautiful bike paths along more incredible coastline. Finally, I turned inward and rode a beautiful bike path up the San Gabriel river before reaching Pasadena. It was fitting to end the tour at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains: my next adventure. Join me as I finish the tour in an epic fashion.
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