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Freedom is something we all desire. The freedom to see family more, travel more, exercise more, etc… What other obligations are blocking this freedom? How many times have you heard that I don’t have enough time? It may seem like you don’t have time to live your ideal lifestyle, but you would be surprised about the amount of time you can find in a day. What distractions and “obligations” do you have that are stopping you from living your ideal lifestyle? We all have the same 24 hours in a day; it just depends how we use them. I am not advocating sleeping less or skipping work, but I am advocating using your time to build something. The best way to do this is to establish a daily success plan to find your ideal lifestyle.


Freedom from a Daily Success Plan

My daily success plan involves a healthy dose of fitness (preferably a mix of swimming, biking, running, and lifting) along with a lot of time to build my freedom lifestyle. I have been writing a bunch during this challenge about finding freedom and passion. My daily success plan should be working towards accomplishing this every day. First ,I want to continue to focus on my fitness. Most days this will be in the morning since I find this to be the most satisfying and easiest. I want to be able to explore new areas of training and new races to find anything that brings fresh variety and the ability to start something new. I am doing this now while training for a half marathon for the first time.



Motivation and Freedom without “Obligations”

The second part of my success plan involves finding time after work preferably 3 – 4 hours to work on building freedom from my online business. I want to continually develop Tri for Travel so that I can bring in new audiences and new clients. The most important steps I can take are to continue to build the business. I want to establish a one stop shop for all of triathlon where you can find information, supplements, training plans, coaching, and a community. My daily success plan in the evening after work will help me realize this. Tri for Travel will help me break out of the 9 to 5 mold and live the life of freedom and fitness I want so badly. The daily success plan I have laid out will inspire me every day to realize my goals. Let me know if you have a daily success plan or need help developing one!


This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 5


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