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Whether you are in some far flung corner of the planet or at home dreaming about traveling the world, you’ve got an opportunity to create some adventure in your life every day.

When you’re traveling, stepping outside of your comfort zone can help you realize a lot about yourself. Hop on a local bus and get off at a random stop that looks interesting and go for a walk. I walked around Krakow, Poland for several hours one day and found one of the Krakow Mounds. That encouraged me to find the other mounds around the city. I randomly found an adventure by aimlessly wandering around the city!

Find Some Adventure Buddies

When you are traveling solo, it can be hard to find adventure buddies. Book a night at a cheap hostel and hang out in the common areas. Ask others what adventures they’ve been on during their stay. You might find a new companion that might join in your adventures. You could even find a new workout partner for the duration of your stay. In Paris, I met some fun people in my hostel that had done everything I hadn’t done in the city. They gave me some tips on what to avoid and where to find some great spots to view the city from. I ran into a few new friends at the Sacre Couer in Montmartre and we shared a moment overlooking Paris. It was a special moment where we talked about life and where we were headed.


Sacre Couer

Form Lasting Memories That Last a Lifetime

When traveling with a friend, don’t forget to share the experiences with each other. Develop a memory that bonds you together! My girlfriend joined me on part of an extended trip. We have so many incredible memories that we formed together. In Venice, we walked around for hours, wandering the streets and bridges. We nicknamed common features we kept running into. Sites like the low underpasses that allowed you to walk underneath someone’s house to get to another street. They reminded us of the place a bridge troll would hide, which became troll holes. Every time we see one, we laugh and share a moment in time from an adventure that happened long ago.


Find Adventure Anytime and Anywhere

Routine is important, especially when you are trying to keep on top of your training. Building in adventure into your everyday routine can be tough. It’s important to take time out of your routine to make life exciting. Adventure can be had anywhere and anytime. Turn off your phone and go get lost. Even when you’re stuck at home for awhile, it’s possible to find some adventure in your everyday life.

Find a new activity to do. Indoor Skydiving is popping up all around the country or go crazy and jump out of a plane. Driving ranges at a golf course, or if you’ve got a Top Golf location near you, try that out. Go find a historical landmark near you and go for a hike around it. Join a MeetUp group about something you have no idea about. Learn something new from people who are enthusiastic about it. I went paddle boarding and ended up building my own paddle board out of cedar. Now I can go paddle boarding whenever I want. (side note, make sure you have storage space for a paddle board before you build or buy one!)


Find Adventure in the Everyday

Bringing adventure to your every day can be easy if you know where to look. Get out of your comfort zone, just like you would with a workout in order to create massive gains in your memories!
1Krakow-865x1024This has been a guest post from Mike Leydet. Please take some time to explore what else he has to offer!

Mike Leydet is an avid traveler and woodworking hobbyist home-based in sunny Virginia Beach, VA. He has traveled on miles and points to over 20 countries and across the United States. He has two cats who both dislike travel, but allow him several weeks a year to be out and about exploring the world without too much grief when he returns. You can follow his adventures on Facebook: Explore the World With Mike

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  1. Jamie

    Mike and Joe, really awesome post. You are so right! So often I hear people saying ‘if only I was in this situation I’d be able to go and have lots of adventures’ but you’re right, adventure starts at home. Love your tip about making your own fun names for memorable objects, troll holes are hilarious ha!

    • Joe

      Thanks Jamie. This is also really important for the less adventurous. Adventures at home can expand your comfort zone making you more willing to take on that big trip!

  2. Zoe

    I feel very strongly about remembering to adventure locally! I love to travel but I also move home bases a lot, and there are always those moments when you come to move on, that you think “But I never (fill in the blank) while I was here” – good post guys!

    • Joe

      Exactly. I feel the same way. I’ve lived in places for years without really exploring. I think we get complacent living at home and forget about the adventure around us. So important to keep an open mind!

  3. Rachel

    This is really great advice. Sometimes the greatest adventures are in your own backyard. I have also moved around a bit and there’s always that one part of the city you meant to explore and never did. Even going back to the same old places can bring about a new adventure!

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