When I first started training 5 years ago, I found it difficult to find a training plan to fit my needs. At 6'6" and over 200 lbs. I was a unique human specimen (and still am). I scoured the internet, and tried a few plans, but I didn't find anything that worked for me. Most plans assume that you are a beginner or you have tons of experience. There is no in between. There was also nothing for my tall and lengthy body!
Training plans are poorly formatted and not regularly updated. Can a 40 year old man follow the same training plan as a 25 year old woman? That would be insanity. Even athletes who are the same age, body type, and experience level will have different needs.
Personally, I tried to use generic plans and found them to be useful, but they left a lot to be desired. What was I supposed to do if I missed a day? Is it better to skip a day if I'm feeling particularly tired? What about nutrition?
Answering these questions is impossible with a generic plan. Additionally generic plans do not address new trends in health and fitness. New research is going on every day that changes the way you should train. Body types, genetics, and experience are vastly different from person to person.
Do you find that generic training plans leave you feeling dissatisfied?
Have you burned yourself out or injured yourself on one of these plans?
Do you find these plans to be confusing or hard to follow?
Do you find these plans to be boring?
When I started training, I could not even use a generic plan. My needs changed weekly. I often advanced beyond what the plan prescribed or lagged behind it. I never felt I was optimizing my training. I was also bored by doing the same thing over and over again. There was no variety.
Customized Tri For Travel plans are designed to beat these limitations. Our plans combine passion with multisport to give you a plan you actually enjoy. Most importantly plans are matched to your ability level, fitness, age, and body type.
Plans can be customized for the avid runner, biker, or swimmer (or all 3)! I have completed all race distances and grew up racing in all three sports. It took time, but I learned how to optimize my training to my particular situation. I want to help you do the same!
Optimized training is one of the fundamental keys to competing successfully. A customized training plan allows you to do more with less. I am constantly pushing the boundaries of training while learning everything I can to be a better athlete. I am ready to share this knowledge with you.
Don't leave time on the table at your next race; let Tri For Travel build a customized plan to fit your individual needs. As an avid traveler and adventurer, I also know how to add in the needed variety to spice up your training plan. My plans never having you doing the same thing twice! Email me so we can set up a time to talk about how you can use a customized plan to crush your goals!