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It is a good exercise to write out what a perfect day would look like. Knowing this can inspire you to take steps to realize this day for your lifestyle or fitness. For me, the two go hand in hand. Consecutive “perfect days” can create an ideal lifestyle. My perfect day would consist of waking up and having some form of protein and some fruit to get my metabolism going. I would then journal for 5 to 10 minutes to understand what I accomplished yesterday and what I want to accomplish today. I would then mediate for 15 minutes or so to get my mind relaxed. Next, I would get some sort of fitness going whether it would be swimming, biking, running, or lifting to get outside. I find this to be a great to wake up and get the day started right.

After working out, I always enjoy a wholesome breakfast with eggs and oatmeal preferably with some good tea. Now if I am traveling I want to go out and explore. Whether this is checking out a new part of a city or going for a trek. I want to do something where I can get out there and explore. If at home, I may still want to take some time to hike or bike. Either way, I would prefer to start work in the early afternoon. As mentioned in previous posts, this would be something that I was passionate about. It would be work that I truly enjoy and could work on continually.

A shot I took of Montreal recently from Mont Royal. Getting out and seeing a city is a great way to get exercise and explore!

Morning Ritual to Ideal Lifestyle

Meals in the afternoon would consist of the larger than average protein side with the appropriate carbs sized for my current level of exercise. I also enjoy plenty of vegetables (the more the better). Heading into night I would enjoy interacting with clients and seeing their progress. I find the evening the best time to connect with people and I would use this opportunity to connect with family and friends as well.

The perfect day really would consist of freedom to switch it up from day to day. I love variety and the ability to be creative. The perfect day would bring the opportunity for a new experience tomorrow. Right now I do not live the perfect day and this is why I am working everyday to realize it! Laying out a day like this is a great exercise to give you something to shoot for. Let me know what your perfect day would be and if any of my services can help you realize it!

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 3

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